Easy Tips for Decorating with Accessories
Decorating and accentuating different spaces in my home with small decorative items or accessories, is hands down the most exciting part for me. I’m always in awe of the deep impact and texture accessories lend to a room. I know that furniture, architecture and other design elements play a vital role in setting the base of the room but the small decorative items have the magical ability to transform, elevate and synchronize everything together almost seamlessly. Many top rated interior designers and stylists will vouch for the importance of accessories and will not shy away from saying that they breathe life into any room. Be it a bold wall art décor , a statement area rug, lighting fixtures or other small decorative pieces. Market places, home stores and even gift shops are packed to brim with options for decorative accessories but this is where we need to understand the impact of different pieces in our own setting. We can’t just put in everything we like into our space and w...